China Cultural Festival
➔ 21 september - 09 oktober

Vereniging Nederland-China

Deze website informeert u specifiek over de activiteiten van de 798 ART ZONE in Nederland van 21 September tot en met 9 oktober, 2015 in Den Haag.

Ook wordt u geïnformeerd over organisaties en evenementen die gedurende deze periode in het kader van het CHINA CULTURAL FESTIVAL plaats vinden.

VNC & het China Cultural Festival in den Haag

VNC heeft actief de verbinding gezocht tussen Nederland en China door van 21 september tot en met 9 oktober jl. samen met New Chinatown in den Haag het China Cultural Festival te organiseren. New Chinatown was verantwoordelijk voor een drietal optredens van Chinese kunstenaars en de VNC was verantwoordelijk voor de andere evenementen.

De vereniging deed dit in nauwe samenwerking met de Beijing China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) en de Beijing Administrative Committee of 798 Art Zone in Beijing. Deze drie partijen hadden hiertoe een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten. Een groot aantal organisaties in Beijing en in Nederland ondersteunden de samenwerking. Financieel werd het festival ondersteund door een groot aantal sponsors, zo als onder meer de gemeente den Haag, het WTC den Haag en een aantal bedrijven.

Een grote Chinese delegatie bezocht tijdens het festival Nederland. De delegatie bestond gedeeltelijk uit officials van de samenwerkende partijen en gedeeltelijk uit kunstenaars. Een aantal leden van de delegatie leverden een bijdrage aan het festival.

Men kon tijdens dit festival in Den Haag kennismaken met uiteenlopende Chinese activiteiten op het gebied van kunst en cultuur. Enkele hoogtepunten waren: de tentoonstelling van 65 hedendaagse Chinese kunstwerken uit de 798-Art Zone inclusief een openingsceremonie, een Sino-Nederlands hedendaags kunstforum, een Guangdong dansoptreden (2x), een Kantonese opera en een symposium over Chinees en westers management. Hierna vindt u korte verhalen over enkele van deze stuk voor stuk unieke activiteiten.

Sino–Nederlandse hedendaagse kunstforum d.d. 21 september 2015

Met een marktaandeel van 22,4% is China op de Verenigde Staten na, het land dat de meeste kunst koopt. Met deze notering was het hoog tijd voor een Chinese hedendaags kunstforum. Het CCPIT, de 798-Art Zone en VNC sloegen daarom de handen ineen en organiseerden op 21 september jl. dit forum dat onderdeel vormde van het 3 weken lang durende China Cultural Festival.

Het was een niet-alledaags forum over hedendaagse Chinese kunst, dat plaatshad in het moderne Haagse stadhuis. De bekende Chinees-Nederlandse auteur, Lulu Wang, was de moderator en tolk van de dag. Bekende Chinese en Nederlandse sprekers uit de kunstscene bespraken issues als de groeiende invloed van Chinese kunst en cultuur, of het verstandig is om in Chinese kunst te investeren en de positie van China in de kunstwereld.

Een eyeopener van het forum was dat Chinese hedendaagse schilderijen in een paar jaar tijd gigantisch in waarde kunnen stijgen (“Bloodline” van Zhang Xiaogang steeg in 8 jaar tijd tot bijna 100 keer in waarde!). Nog een opvallend feit: er zijn Chinese kunstenaars die eigentijdse werken hebben gemaakt geïnspireerd op oorspronkelijk Europese kunstwerken; eerstgenoemde werken zijn tegen veel hogere prijzen geveild dan het originele equivalent.

Dit kunstforum liet ons dan ook achter met genoeg stof tot nadenken o.a. met de vraag: “Ontstaat een andere kijk op kunst”? We kunnen in ieder geval niet anders concluderen dan dat China een keyplayer is geworden op het gebied van kunst.

Openingsceremonie China Cultural Festival

In het Atrium van het Haagse stadhuis, te midden van een flink aantal tentoongestelde kunstwerken uit de Chinese 798-Art Zone, was de grand opening van het China Cultural Festival. De Chinese ambassadeur, de heer Chen Xu, en de vice-burgemeester van Den Haag, de heer K. Klein, waren aanwezig en hielden een openingswoord. Onder het genot van een snack en een drankje hadden de vele aanwezigen de gelegenheid met enkele overgevlogen kunstenaars en hun kunstwerk op de foto te gaan. Mw. Lin Bin van de CCPIT en de directeur van de 798-Art Zone, beiden mede-organisator van het festival, spraken een dankwoord uit, evenals de voorzitter van de VNC. Het geheel werd omlijst met een modern dansoptreden van een Chinese artiest en een muzikaal optreden van een kleine jazz combo van het Koninklijk Haags Conservatorium. De ceremonie eindigde met de bekendmaking van het logo van dit festival.

Tentoonstelling moderne Chinese kunst uit het 798 Art Zone in Beijing

Onderdeel van het China Cultural Festival -of beter gezegd het hart van het festival- was de tentoonstelling van meer dan veertig kunstwerken van Chinese kunstenaars. In het Atrium van het Haagse stadhuis, in de hal van het World Trade Centre en in vijf galeries op het Haagse Noordeinde waren de werken van 21 september tot 9 oktober te bewonderen. Bij de opening waren ook enkele van de kunstenaars van het ten toon gestelde werk aanwezig.

De schilderijen en een enkel beeldwerk waren allen afkomstig van de beroemde artiestenwijk 798 in Beijing. Een voormalig fabriekscomplex waar nu verspreidt over tientallen gebouwen galeries, studio’s en ateliers zijn samengebracht en waar dagelijks duizenden toeristen een bezoekje brengen.

Met de directie van deze artiestenwijk werd in een constructief overleg ter plekke besloten tot de tentoonstelling in Den Haag en afspraken gemaakt over de kostenverdeling. Bovendien werd afgesproken dat volgend jaar ook Nederlandse kunstenaars in de 798Artzone in Beijing mogen exposeren.

Het werk dat speciaal voor de tentoonstelling in Den Haag naar Nederland werd overgevlogen was heel divers. Soms figuratief en dan weer abstract. Maar de totale tentoonstelling gaf een goed beeld van de hedendaagse Chinese moderne kunst. De tentoonstellingen waren dan ook drukbezocht en vooral in het Atrium van het Haagse stadhuis was het voortdurend een komen en gaan van belangstellenden. Op de website kunt u de werken nog bewonderen.

Symposium ‘Chinese and Western management, new challenges’

Veel belangstelling was er ook voor het symposium Westers en Chinees management dat op de laatste dag van het China Cultural Festival gehouden werd in het World Trade Centre The Hague. Het onderwerp van het symposium was dan ook relevant en actueel mede gezien het toenemend aantal Westerse en Nederlandse bedrijven die zijn of worden overgenomen door Chinese bedrijven. Bovendien hebben andersom in het al dan niet recente verleden veel Westerse en ook Nederlandse ondernemingen bedrijven gesticht in China. Die twee kanten kwamen ook tot uiting in de keuze van de sprekers: zowel Nederlandse sprekers die Nederlandse ondernemingen vertegenwoordigden met activiteiten in China maar ook Chinese sprekers die Chinese bedrijven vertegenwoordigden met activiteiten in Europa.

Professor Martin de Jong opende de rij sprekers met een overzicht van verschillen in managementstijl. Vervolgens voerden twee sprekers van Nederlandse bedrijven het woord, de heren Diederik van Wassenaer van ING en de heer Jan-Willem Vreeburg van van Hessen. Van Hessen behoort tot een van de oudste Nederlandse bedrijven in China. Tenslotte spraken drie Chinese sprekers. De heer Wang Dexian voerde het woord voor het in Voorburg gevestigde Huawei en de twee andere sprekers, de heer Cheng Xindong en mevrouw Wu Hui, spraken voor Chinese bedrijven die ook actief zijn in Europa. De ambassadeur van China H.E. de heer Chen Xu en de directeur van de directie Azië en Oceanië van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken openden het symposium. Ook dit keer stond het symposium onder de voortreffelijke en betrokken leiding van de heer Dr. Bernard Bot. Na afloop werd langdurig gebruik gemaakt van de mogelijkheid tot netwerken. Een meer inhoudelijk verslag van het symposium is te vinden op



China Cultural Festival van 21 september tot en met 9 oktober wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met de Vereniging Nederland - China (VNC), de Stichting New Chinatown, de China Council for the Promotion of Industry and Trade afdeling Beijing (CCPIT Beijing), en de Beijing Administrative Committee of 798 Art Zone. Het festival wordt gesteund door de Gemeente den Haag, de Chinese Ambassade in Nederland en het Dutch Culture Centre for International Cooperation en sponsor organisaties.


21 september 2015 van 13.00u – 20.00u

Evenement ter gelegenheid van de opening van het China Cultural Festival. De rol van de hedendaagse kunst in Nederland, de invloed van Chinese kunst en cultuur en de toenemende interesse van Europa in Chinese kunst worden door bekende personen uit de kunstwereld besproken. Aansluitend vernissage van de kunsttentoonstelling.

Moderator de bekende Chinees-Nederlandse schrijfster Mevr. Lulu Wang met de "award winning" roman "Lelietheater"

Ontvangst en Registratie
Welkomstwoord: Niek Meijer, voorzitter van de Vereniging Nederland China
Inleiding door de heer Yang Xia Long, directeur Cultuur van de Chinese ambassade in Den Haag
Onderneming en kunst; inleiding door mevrouw Lin Bin secretaris-generaal van de CCPIT Beijing
De geschiedenis en het belang van 798 kunst-zone door de directeur van het 798 Art District
De groeiende invloed van de Chinese kunst en cultuur door de heer Xin Dong Cheng
Investeren in Chinese kunst; een hype?
Het toenemende belang van de Europese kunstverzamelaars in de Chinese kunstwerken van Paul Lohmann, directeur van de Metropolitan Gallery 238 Amsterdam en van Bestuur Metropolitan Artist
15:20 - 15:40
Lezing door Mr. Yang Yong'an van de “State-owned Cultural Assets Supervision and Administration Office” van de stad Beijing
Lezing door de heer Zhang Guohua van Beijing Administratief Comité van het 798 Art Zone
China's positie in de mondiale kunstmarkt
Mevr. Jeannette ten Kate M.Sc., Art adviser and director of Sinopia Art Consultancy and Art’s Club
Afsluiting door de voorzitter van de VNC heer Niek Meijer
Receptie en officiële opening van de 798 kunst "vernissage" van het “China Cultural Festival” door de wethouder de heer Karsten Klein en de Chinese ambassade
* behoudens aanpassingen i.v.m. niet voorziene omstandigheden

De Haagse Lobby, stadhuis Den Haag, Spui 68, 2511 BT Den Haag (10e etage bibliotheek)
€ 25 (niet VNC-lid); € 15 (VNC-lid, student of bij aanmelding VNC-lidmaatschap)

21 september – 9 oktober 2015 van 9.00u - 17.30u

65 Kunstwerken van kunstenaars uit de 798-China CULTURE Zone (Beijing).

In augustus is door de VNC tezamen met de directies van de “CCPIT Beijing” en de “Beijing 798 Art Zone” een overeenkomst gesloten om van 21 september tot en met 9 oktober in Den Haag op meerdere locaties een overzichtstentoonstelling te houden van de “artworks” van een veertigtal Chinese kunstenaars die verbonden zijn aan de Beijing 798 Art Zone. Op de eerste dag wordt ook het symposium “Art dialogue” gehouden.

Het is de eerste maal dat in Nederland een overzichtstentoonstelling van de 798 ART ZONE wordt gehouden. In 2014 heeft de 798 ART ZONE met succes een grote tentoonstelling in Parijs gehouden. Afgesproken is dat hierbij ook Nederlandse kunstenaars de gelegenheid krijgen om in de 798 ART ZONE in Beijing hun werken tentoon te stellen.

Stadhuis van Den Haag, het World Trade Centre The Hague en kunstgaleries waaronder;

Hch galerie
Het Cleyne Huys
Noordeinde 154
2514 GR Den Haag
tel 070 364 3556

Leo van Heijningen
Kunstzaal van Heijningen
Noordeinde 152A
2514 GR Den Haag
tel 070 345 9053

Noordeinde 94
2514GM Den Haag
mob 0621924984

De Twee Pauwen
Oranjestraat 1
2514 JB Den Haag
tel 070 3925443

Galerie ChrisArt
Noordeinde 160
2514 GR Den Haag
tel 070 8700153
mob 0653872535

Gratis toegang

Persconferentie Nieuwspoort
21 september 2015 van 11.00u – 12.30u

Persconferentie met journalisten uit de kunstwereld, introductie Chinese kunstenaars uit de 798-China Art Zone.

Nieuwspoort, Lange Poten 10, 2511 CL Den Haag

Guangdong dansvoorstelling door Nanfang dance group

Het verleden plus het heden van Chaoshan uitgebeeld aan de hand van verschillende dansfragmenten.

7 oktober 2015 vanaf 20.00u

Theater De Flint, Coninckstraat 60, 3811 WK Amersfoort
€ 20,- (niet VNC-lid)

8 en 9 oktober 2015 vanaf 19.30u

Theater Diligentia, Lange Voorhout 5, 2514 EA Den Haag
€ 17,50 (niet VNC-lid); € 15 (VNC-lid)

Kantonese dansvoorstelling
5, 7 en 8 oktober vanaf 19.30u

Unieke karakteristieken van de Kantonese opera uitgebeeld via een modern toneelstuk.

5 oktober: Theater Zuidplein, Rotterdam
7 oktober: Theater De Nieuwe Regentes, Den Haag
8 oktober: Openbare Bibliotheek (Oosterdokskade), Amsterdam

€ 17,50 (niet VNC-lid); € 15 (VNC-lid)

9 oktober 2015 van 12.30u – 17.30u

De uitdagingen van het ondernemen in China door sprekers van Nederlandse multinationals en de succesverhalen van Chinese topondernemingen in Nederland.

Chairman of the day: Mr. Bernard Bot, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

Reception, registration and coffee/tea/snack
Welcoming speech
Mr. Niek Meijer, chairman of the Friendship Association Netherlands-China (VNC)
Growing Sino-Dutch economic cooperation and cultural differences
Mr. H.E.Chen Xu, Ambassador of the P.R. of China in the Netherlands
Mr. Peter Potman, Director Asia and Oceania of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Differences in Chinese and Western management styles
Mr. Martin de Jong, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor Urban and Infrastructure Development in China at TU-Delft and Adjunct Professor Public Policy at Fudan University in Shanghai

Experiences of a Chinese company in the Netherlands
Mr. Wang Dexian, CEO of Huawei Technologies Netherlands

Experiences of a Dutch company in China

Mr. Diederik van Wassenaer, Global Head Network Commercial Banking ING Bank

The Asian model of management
Mr. Cheng Xindong, General Manager of Ji’an Chengshi Cultural Co. Ltd, Beijing
Coffee/tea break
Experiences in Sino-Dutch joint ventures
Mr. Jan-Willem Vreeburg, CFO of van Hessen
Experiences of a Global Olympic Business Company from China
Ms.Wu Hui from Huajiang Culture Development Co. Ltd, Beijing
Lessons and challenges, Panel discussion
Chaired by Dr. Bernard Bot
Conclusions, lessons learned
* behoudens aanpassingen i.v.m. niet voorziene omstandigheden

WTC The Hague, Prinses Margrietplantsoen 25, 2595 AM Den Haag
€ 70 (niet VNC-lid); € 20 (VNC-lid, student of bij aanmelding VNC-lidmaatschap)

De kunstenaars

Fang Lijun
Fang Lijun

Born in Handan City, Hebei Province, China, Fang Lijun graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing in 1989 and now works and lives in Beijing. He is a leading figure of the Cynical Realism. His "bald-head figures" have become a signature symbol. His works are indirect and aloof, ambiguous and cynical, embodying the boredom as well as naughty and humorous existence, which are prevalent in China in the late 1980s and the first half of 1990s.



Feng Zhengjie
Feng Zhengjie

Born in Sichuan Province, China in 1968, Feng Zhengjie graduated from Fine Arts Education Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 1992, and obtained Master's Degree at Oil Painting Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 1995. He now lives in Beijing. He is one of the leading figures in Gaudy Art (yansu yishu). In his works, he creates a very individualized style by focusing on the identity issue of the next generation in the traditional society.



Qi Zhilong
Qi Zhilong

Born in Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia in 1962, Qi Zhilong graduated from the Print-making Department of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1987. Consumption Image, a series of colorful and splendid paintings, is a group of political pop art paintings with profound implication. Each painting features a gorgeous female model. The crisp composition and combination of bright colors give the picture a strong sense of decoration and fashion.



Wu Mingzhong
Wu Mingzhong

Born in Hebei in 1963, Wu Mingzhong is an associate professor at Fine Arts Department of the Capital Normal University. The artist’s glass figures are the product of a globalized and information era, both contemporary and international. The glass figures are both a quest for and doubts about humanity. What his art reveals is not only the fragility of human life, but also the relationship between people and fragility of natural environment, thus triggering our ultimate thinking about life and existence and so forth.



Wang Chuan
Wang Chuan

Born in 1953, Wang Chuan graduated from Chinese Brush Painting Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. As one of important artists in the Chinese contemporary art field, his art trajectory has embodied the aesthetic pursuit of the younger generation of artists at his time. Over the past three decades, the artist experienced the movement from abstract expressionism and minimalism, won his reputation by realism and gained prominence by ink point concept, and wandered between ink wash abstractionism and oil paint. Wang Chuan’s abstract works, featuring passionate lines, showcase the artist’s romance, in which recklessness and depression grow and decline, contribute to and complement each other. Wang Chuan is always in the relentless torrent of thinking. The non-stop critical thinking and ultimate pursuit of metaphysics imbue his art with a sense of solidity and strength.



Zeng Jianyong
Zeng Jianyong

Born in Guangdong in 1971, Zeng Jianyong graduated from Arts Department of Huaqiao University in Fujian Province, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese brush painting in 1994. He finished his prints-making training class at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1995 and now lives and works in Beijing. Zeng Jianyong is a leading figure in Chinese contemporary new ink wash. Starting off his career with children portraits, he is separated from traditional motifs of ink wash and develops his own unique style of new ink wash paintings.


1971 出生于广东,1994年毕业于福建国立华侨大学艺术系中国画专业。1995年结业于中央美术学院版画研修班,现生活与工作于北京。曾健勇是中国当代新水墨的代表人物,早期作品以儿童肖像为主,跳脱水墨的传统主题,发展出个人独特的新水墨风格。

Yang Xun
Yang Xun

Born in Chongqing in 1981, Yang Xun graduated from Oil Painting Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2005 and now lives in Beijing. Yang Xun’s works focus on re-examining old photos and the exposure point in the picture offers a new way of appreciation. He attempts to express his reflections on the looking experience of Chinese people. Instead of simply borrowing Chinese elements, he utilized traditional patterns to depict scenes in the dim “memory”, thus expressing his unique understanding of state of mind in the present day.



Shi Jianmin
Shi Jianmin

Born in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province in 1962, Shi Jianmin graduated from the Central Academy of Arts & Design in 1986 and now lives in Beijing. During his travels, Shi Jianmin found the elegant and solid Taihu Rock in the gardens, inspired by which he created a series of representative works themed on “table and chairs”. In these artworks, Shi Jianmin downplays the original concept of tables and chairs and expands their feature as “artworks”. Abstract and elegant forms resembling Taihu rocks in gardens of Southern China, graceful and firm stainless steel and exquisite details all constitute his own artistic style. His works contain traditional aesthetic values as well as reflections on the current life.



Hong Hao
Hong Hao

Hong Hao, born in Beijing in 1965, graduated from the Print-making Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989. As an artist, he came to realize the deepening and extension of individual thinking through development of his works. He upholds that changes cannot change the form and quality of lives, but cultivates a sense of dedication that helps him find the beauty of details in this process. He is a witty wise man in ruthless analyze of the society, history and arts, a calm observer of the consumption desires and authority consciousness in modern society, a lurker who adds up, transform, and sort historical and cultural symbols to reflect upon these problems and send warnings, and a developer of new visual norms.



Shen Hao
Shen Hao

Shen Hao, born in Inner Mongolia in 1981, got admitted to the Print-making Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2001. It is there that he got exposed to experimental print-making experiences and various kinds of materials, opening his eyes to a new level of artistic visions. He received professional training there, but deep down, he is still a young man true to himself. In addition to this complete and standard training experience, he is very creative in applying tools other than paintbrushes in his “real” works. Drawknife, a supporting tool at most in traditional painting practice, is given a new role by Shen Hao. According to him, “I use drawknives as brushes, trying my best to not only imitate the fineness in details, but also keep the crudeness and roughness”. He does not just “imitate”, but sets to achieve a certain kind of “reform”, realizing limitlessness without brushes. To “paint the objects” is a timeless theme of his works. It all started with a belief of his that “the unprotected truth lies in the most trivial things”. Anything ordinary in real life, even the ruins of buildings, is considered a proper subject in his works. After original artistic reproduction and dedicated work, his works either tell stories of the past, or depicts a current social problem.



Li Yongbin
Li Yongbin

Born in 1963, Li Yongbin works and lives in Beijing. His works is dedicated to displaying a flashing moment as well as peoples’ different ways for experiencing the evolvement of incidents and different results. Through the co-existence of ambiguous and clear visual language, he is examining the inner world of today’s people.



Luo Brothers
Luo Brothers

Luo Weidong, born in the Guangxi Autonomous Region of China in 1963, graduated from the Guangxi Arts University. Luo Weiguo, born in 1964, graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Luo Weibing, born in 1972, graduated from the Central Academy of Arts & Design. The Luo Brothers have lived and worked in Beijing, and cooperated in art creations since 1996. They combine the old and new traditional Chinese techniques with pop art imagery in their art.



Wong Fen
Wong Fen

Born in Hainan Island in 1961, Wong Fen graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and then from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He now lives in Hainan. His photography is a kind of performance photography, whose pictures are featured with a narrative allegory. He utilizes photography to wisely and ingeniously express his attitudes towards and position on today’s social phenomenon.



Xue Song
Xue Song

Born in Anhui in 1965, Xue Song graduated from Stage Art Department of the Shanghai Theatre Academy in 1988 and now lives in Shanghai. Since the late 1980s, he has taken apart ash and fragments of prints and reassembled them by means of burning and baking. By using classical icons of art and current fashionable symbols, Xue Song presents a brand new visual image for us.



Miao Xiaochun
Miao Xiaochun

Born in Wuxi, Jiangsu in 1964, Miao Xiaochun graduated from the Art University Kassel in 1999 and now works as a professor at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He now works and lives in Beijing. By using computing processes, Miao Xiaochun’s “art cells” grow and proliferate in his visual world, which eventually are divided into a variety of artistic images. When these images are shown on the canvas, it philosophically signifies an era of human-machine cooperation.



Li Luming
Li Luming

Born in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province in 1957, Li Luming graduated from the Graduate School of Chinese National Academy of Arts. His art attempts to find, between the tradition and nobility, the irony of historical concepts. He elevates the directness of popular motifs in Gaudy Art to allegory and, in the meantime, retains their relevance to Gaudy Art in artistic forms.



Yang Liming
Yang Liming

Yang Liming, born in Sichuan Province in 1975, graduated from the Art School of the Sichuan Normal University in 1999. He now lives in Beijing. He leaves out the blanks in Chinese traditional paintings in his all-black style that concentrates the beauty by using dark colors. Black, in his perception, is real, substantial, and down-to-earth, an ideal color to serve as a vehicle of deep-seated feelings that he finds hard to put words to. Different from impressionists who are deeply influenced by the Western concepts, he is keen on the Chinese traditional culture. His works embodies the harmonious spirit of Chinese traditional culture as well as the elegance and beauty of creating realms.



Zong Ning
Zong Ning

Zong Ning, born in Inner Mongolia in 1984, graduated from the Photography Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2007. He now lives in Beijing. Zong Ning’s photos are more like someone’s personal narration of who he is, what he does, and how is he doing and his responses, a mixture of personal memoir, monologue, and thinking. In this narrative structure, his works are reflection of the state of life.



Zhong Biao
Zhong Biao

Born in Chongqing, China in 1968, Zhong Biao graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now the China Academy of Art) in 1991 and, also in this year, he joined the faculty of the Oil Painting Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. The artist now works and lives in Beijing and Chongqing. He focuses on the clash between people’s inner world and the outside world. Beginning with “figures” and “characters”, Zhong Biao creates and depicts the external form that carries life and society. The figure in his art often switches between constancy of humanity and his/her social psychological character, thus showing a unique, prominent feature of exceptional abruptness and grotesqueness.



Ma Liuming
Ma Liuming

Born in Huangshi, Hubei in 1969, Ma Liuming has worked and lived in Beijing since 1993. Ma Liuming created Fen-Ma Liuming, a hybrid figure of male and female components. He sat, wearing long hair and woman’s make-up, completely nude, took some sleeping pills and then slept while sitting in the chair, waiting for the audiences to come on stage and take photo with Fen-Ma Liuming. This figure quickly became his symbol and signature and was welcomed by a number of international exhibitions to show photos or do a performance. His paintings are about reminiscence of Fen-Ma Liuming in his performance art.



Wen Qiu
Wen Qiu

Born in Shanxi Province in 1968, Wen Qiu graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1992. She examines today’s society from a unique perspective and re-interprets children in the women’s eyes from her unique angle. By abandoning softness of the motherhood and by exaggerating and enlarging faces of infants, Wen Qiu paints the solid society by her tender brushwork.



Wang Ningde
Wang Ningde

Born in Kuandian County, Liaoning Province in 1972, Wang Ningde graduated from Photography Department of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in 1995 and now lives in Beijing. He is one of the most important and most critical-thinking artists in contemporary photography field in today’s China. He firmly believes that photography is a tool for self-expression and is dedicated to non-documentary concept photography.



Jin Defeng
Jin Defeng

Born in Xiamen City, Fujian Province in 1963, Jin Defeng now lives in Beijing. He excels in oil paintings. This painting featuring colorful, folk-art bright colors, behind its clamor and humor, expresses the artist’s understanding of today’s society.



Huang Yan
Huang Yan

Born in Jilin, China in 1966, Huang Yan graduated from the Changchun Normal University, China in 1987, and now lives in Beijing. Since 1994, he has started to document his own concept and behaviors by creating oil paintings and photography. His creations are diversified by incorporating traditional painting elements into his photography or by putting contemporary elements into paintings.



Luan Xiaojie
Luan Xiaojie

Born in Chongqing in 1958, Luan Xiaojie graduated from the Yunnan Arts University in 1982. By creating lonely, unsociable boys who indulge themselves in playing games alone and by his dreamwalk-style creations, he depicts the lack of interaction and increasing isolation between individuals in the fast-changing, fast-pace life in the current society.



Zhu Wei
Zhu Wei

Born in 1966, Zhu Wei learned art since his childhood. He joined the People's Liberation Army in 1982 and graduated from the People's Liberation Army Academy of Art in 1989. He retired from military service and was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy in 1992 and graduated in 1993. Zhu Wei now lives in Beijing. He uses a relaxed humor in his painting to express his concern for the major events and interprets the status quo of Chinese society.



Zhao Ling
Zhao Ling

Born in Hangzhou in 1957, Zhao Ling graduated from the Hangzhou Education Institute in 1983. He is appealed to the self-awareness of the society. He depicts a changing, complex, mysterious today’s society which contains many “twists and turns”, by painting a seemingly tumultuous and reckless silk in his art.



Zhang Yongxu
Zhang Yongxu

Born in Xinjiang in 1963, Zhang Yongxu graduated from Studio 4 of Oil Painting Department of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989. He was trained in photography at LaGuardia Community College in NYC from 1992 to 1994. He now works and lives in Beijing. His creations are inspired by Xinjiang, showing a sharp State Consciousness.



Tang Mingwei
Tang Mingwei

Born in Dazhu County, Sichuan Province in 1985, Tang Mingwei graduated from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2008 and now lives and works in Chongqing. He is enchanted by “reasoning”, which may be interpreted as sense, mathematics and philosophy and so forth. He believes that a visual order could be obtained by the metaphysical “reasoning”.



Wang Zhiyi
Wang Zhiyi

Born in Hubei, China in 1991, Wang Zhiyi graduated from Mural Painting Department in the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts in 2014 and now lives and works in Wuhan. Wang Zhiyi’s art features typical geometric abstraction, coupled with spatial illusion, showing a style of Optical Art and new Geometry Painting. More than that, the artist creates his own varied versions of different styles and even expands the idea into the whole space.



Zhou Yangming
Zhou Yangming

Born in Taizhou, Zhejiang in 1971, Zhou Yangming graduated from Oil Painting Department of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1996, and now lives and works in Beijing. He successfully gives a sense of ethical transparency to his abstract art. These changes come from the need to combine his labor with meticulous work. Repetition comes from cognition of each piece of work and its relative identity, and, broadly speaking, from cognition of art itself.



Chang Xugong
Chang Xugong

Born in Tangshan City in 1957, Chang Xugong graduated from the Tangshan Normal University with a degree in arts in 1980. He was a resident artist in Yuanmingyuan Art Village in 1994 and now works and lives in Beijing. He creates a series of works by using materials of folk embroidery and multiple embroidery techniques. In his art, inspired by farmer moneybags, a combination of bright colors, disharmonious garments and composition of year-calendar style contribute to a very strong Gaudy Art style language, with the co-existence of irony and realism, all perfectly unveiling the imagery that most represents the era.



Li Ji
Li Ji

Born in Kunming in 1963, Li Ji graduated from Print-making Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 1987 and finished his studies at Print-making Department of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1990. He now works at Fine Arts Department of the Yunnan Arts University. His motifs are both contemporary (fashion and ladies) and primitive (wild animals), which are contrasted and juxtaposed together in his art by means of photography-style New Realism. His works are focused on objects that have not changed or evolved dramatically from the perspective of civilization, which are juxtaposed with certain traits of the fast-growing human society, thus forming a sharp comparison.



Da Xiang
Da Xiang

Born in Changchun City, Jilin in 1975, Da Xiang graduated from the Sculpture Department of the China Academy of Art in 2006. His art is about reflection on history and on civilization. For instance, he puts a Sun Yat Sen-style uniform into a huge shrine, a traditional way that Chinese people show respect to ancestors. Da Xiang uses this way to remind us to treat our legacy fare and square, including those that once motivated us and those that still chain us till today.



Hu Xiangqian
Hu Xiangqian

Hu Xiangqian, born in Leizhou, Guangdong Province in 1983, graduated from the Fifth Studio of the Oil Painting Department at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2007. He is an active young artist and now lives in Beijing. Most of his works are behavioral or photographic. He is inspired by acute observation and independent thinking on life and reality. He is particularly good at using contrasts in his works, magnifying trifles in the backdrop of the big society, thus to discuss what’s beneath the surface in a humorous style.


1983 年出生于广东雷州,2007 年毕业于广州美术学院油画系第五工作室,是活跃在中国当代艺术界的年轻艺术家,目前生活、工作于北京。胡向前的创作形式主要包括行为和影像作品,灵感来源于对周边生活环境与现实的敏锐观察和独特思考。他善于运用对比手法,把身边的小事放大到社会环境中,以幽默的风格尖锐地探讨表象的本质。

Zuoxiao Zuzhou
Zuoxiao Zuzhou

Zuoxiao Zuzhou was born in Jianhu, Jiangsu in 1970. Since his band was founded in 1993, over 20 albums and film disks has been released, making him the most prolific rock music artist. He is an influential and intellectual rock star who is also an outstanding contemporary artist, a poet, novelist and movie soundtrack composer.



Yang Tao
Yang Tao

Yang Tao was born in Ningxia in 1968. He grew up in Shandong Province. In the year of 1988, he graduated from the Shandong Light Industry Arts School. He adopted the stage photos of the “White Haired Lady”, a modern ballet from the Cultural Revolution age, and developed his series of oil painting works, The Prototype Movement, by putting the images in modern sports games. His works, in overwhelmingly cool colors rather than the “red and bright” style popular at that particular age, are faithful and authentic depictions of the history.



Chen Changwei
Chen Changwei

Chen Changwei, born in Luoping of Yunnan Province in 1973, graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Yunnan Arts University in 2000. His sculptures, with a sense of humor and stylish features, utilize resources recognized by the traditional culture, and succeed in connecting traditional values and modern life.



Li Rui
Li Rui

Li Rui, born in 1983, graduated from the School of Art and Design of the Yunnan University. He is a young artist from Southwestern China. He now lives in the city of Kunming of Yunnan Province. Most of his works feature landscapes with a strong local ethnic influence, which is also an artistic representation of his childhood memories. A contrast of his memory from childhood against modern city life imposes an individual need on him to let go of the pressure of living in a city and transform his longings onto his paintings.



Wu Yongping
Wu Yongping

Wu Yongping, born in Longquan of Zhejiang Province, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). He now lives in Beijing and is a master’s supervisor at CAFA. Being a artist in material, he sets to express his artistic pursuits via materials. Researching on materials is one of his most important pursuits now.



Peng Bo
Peng Bo

Peng Bo was born in Hechuan, Chongqing, in 1982. He graduated from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2006. In his works, he deliberately adopts simple techniques and focuses on expression of personal awareness. He sets to break our conventional ways of thinking by heterogeneous representations of daily objects in a cellular-like language. By repetition and magnification of his personal life experience straight away, he challenges the established representation system, brings it down and reconstructs it. It is his unique way to observe the world, and an artistic way of expression that he most excels in.



Ju Ting
Ju Ting

Ju Ting, born in Weifang of Shandong Province in 1983, received her bachelor’s degree from the Print-making Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2007, and master’s degree from the same department in 2013. She now lives in Beijing. She carves on multiple thick layers of colors, giving her works a combined visual effect of both carvings and paintings. A three-dimensional space is therefore created on a two-dimensional surface. Her works do not lack the passion of paintings, but reveal the textures and spatial effects. While conveying a strong sense of craftsmanship, these works have primitive beauty of carvings upon a closer scrutiny, and yet make great impressionist paintings from a distance.



Xu Maomao
Xu Maomao

Xu Maomao, born in Urumchi, Xinjiang in 1979, graduated from the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 2002. She now lives in Beijing. In her paintings, zebras, strawberries, moths, livers, frogs, Buddism goddess Guanyin, seemingly bizarre but simple images are frequently seen as in a colorful wonderland in fairy-tales. She wants to paint beautiful things, but sometimes cannot find a way out of the pressure of living in modern world, leaving her works a subtle sense of sorrow under the disguise of cartoon images.



Xu Xiaoguo
Xu Xiaoguo

Born in Xi'an, Shaanxi in 1977, Xu Xiaoguo graduated from Oil Painting Department of the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 2000, and now works and lives in Beijing. His art, covering paintings, pictures, photography and so forth, reflects on the transformation of "standard" by mixing the humanities and philosophy.



Zhu Bing

Born in Dangyang, Hubei in 1964, Zhu Bing now works and lives in Beijing. By using the technique of "empathy", she ingeniously integrates certain subtle traits of flowers with unique features of females, showcasing the acute observation and sensibility of the artist as well as females' unique experience of nature, which leaves ample room for audiences to imagine.



De Werken



  • China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing Sub-Council
  • Beijing Administrative Committee of 798 Art Zone
  • Vereniging Nederland-China (VNC)
  • New China Town

Supporting and co-organizations

  • Municipal Government of The Hague
  • Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • WTC The Hague
  • Stated-owned Cultural Assets Supervision and Administration Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality
  • Beijing 798 Creative Industry Investment Co., Ltd
  • China International Culture Association
  • Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
  • Beijing Cultural & Creative Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd
  • Beijing Ji’an Chengshi Cultural Co., Ltd
  • Dutch Culture, Centre for International Cooperation
  • Ming Translations
  • Academisch China Overleg (ACO)

Supporting organizations

  • BDO NEDERLAND, Accountants & Adviseurs
  • KOOIJMAN AUTAR, notarissen|adviseurs|mediators|juristen
  • VAN OERS, accounting & advies
  • @LL VOLTAGE SUPPLY BV, a leading Marine Electrical Wholesaler